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제목 [SEI] The state of the bioeconomy in Eastern Africa: 2024
분류 SEI

The new State of the Bioeconomy in Eastern Africa: 2024 report gives an overview of the bioeconomy in Eastern Africa with a specific focus on food security and sustainable agriculture.

Published on 22 October 2024

Ivar Virgin

Senior Research Fellow

Philip Osano

Centre Director

Download the report 


Virgin, I., Lutta, A., Senyagwa, J., Osano, P., Tesfaye, K., Tafesse, F., Ochanga, P., Munganyinka, E., Masharabu, T., Ongol, M., Adhiambo, R., Muyambi,F., Kilelu, C., & Haileselassie, T. (2024). The State of Bioeconomy in Eastern Africa: 2024. Stockholm Environment Institute, East African Science and Technology Commission, and Bioinnovate Africa. ISBN: 978-9914-772-58-6


Annie Spratt / Unsplash

In 2022, the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO), the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (Icipe) through the BioInnovate Africa Programme developed the first Eastern Africa bioeconomy status report, State of the Bioeconomy in Eastern Africa: 2022. That first report provided the baseline data on the state of the bioeconomy in all six East African Community (EAC) member countries and Ethiopia, with an overview of the bioeconomy in Eastern Africa and the availability and use of bioresources in the region. Emerging opportunities for bioeconomy development and examples of new successful bioeconomy entrepreneurs were also presented.

The new State of the Bioeconomy in Eastern Africa: 2024 report builds on the first status report in 2022. While the first status report was broad, encompassing all the focus areas in the Regional Bioeconomy strategy, the new report focuses on food security and sustainable agriculture.

There will be a series of three additional EAC bioeconomy status reports, one every second year, for the period of the current EAC Regional Bioeconomy Strategy, each with a focus on one of the strategic areas in the regional strategy. These status reports will form the basis for monitoring bioeconomy progress in the region, highlighting key pathways for bioeconomy development and suggesting actions for mobilizing key actors to move forward in developing a vibrant bioeconomy for the region, contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030, the EAC Vision 2050 and the Africa.

출처 SEI
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