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약어 의미 한국어 명칭
AC Adaptation Committee 적응위원회
ADP Ad-hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action 더반 플랫폼 특별작업반
AE Accredited Entity 승인기구
AF Adaptation Fund 적응기금
APA Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement 파리협정 특별작업반
AWG-LCA Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention 장기협력활동에 관한 작업반
CBDR Common but Differentiated Responsibilities 공통의 그러나 차별화된 책임
CDM Clean Development Mechanism 청정개발메커니즘
CER Certified Emission Reduction 탄소 배출권
CGE Consultative Group of Experts 전문가자문그룹
CMA Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement 파리협정 당사국총회
CMP Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol 교토의정서 당사국총회
COP Conference of the Parties 당사국총회
CTC Climate Technology Center 기후기술센터
CTCN Climate Technology Center and Network 기후기술센터네트워크
CTF Clean Technology Fund 청정기술기금
CTI Climate Technology Initiative 기후기술이니셔티브
CTN Climate Technology Network 기후기술네트워크 (네트워크 멤버)
DTU Technical University of Denmark 덴마크 공과대학교
ETS Emission Trading Scheme 배출권거래제
Excom Executive Committee 집행 위원회
GCF Green Climate Fund 녹색기후기금
GEF Global Environment Facility 지구환경기금
GGGI Global Green Growth Institute 글로벌녹색성장연구소
IGES Institute for Global Environment Strategies 지구환경전략연구소
IMM International Market Mechanism 국제 (탄소) 시장 메커니즘
INDC Intended Nationally Determined Contributions 국가 온실가스 감축목표
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 기후변화에 관한 정부간 협의체
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency 국제재생에너지기구
ITMO Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes 국제적으로 이전된 감축 결과물
JCM Joint Crediting Mechanism 일본 공동 탄소크레딧 메커니즘
JI Joint Implementation 공동이행
KMS Knowledge Management System 지식관리체계
KP Kyoto Protocol 교토의정서
LDCF The Least Developed Countries Fund 최빈국기금
LDCs The Least Developed Countries 최빈국
LEG Least Developed Countries Expert Group 최빈국 전문가그룹
LULUCF Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry 토지이용, 토지이용변화 및 임업
MRV Measurement, Reporting and Verification 측정,보고,검증
NAMA Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action 국가적정감축행동
NAP National Adaptation Plan 국가적응계획
NAPA National Adaptation Programmes of Action 국가적응행동프로그램
NC National Communications 국가보고서
NDA National Designated Authorities 국가지정기관
NDC Nationally Determined Contribution 국가자발적기여
NDE National Designated Entities 국가지정기구
NGO Non-Governmental Organization 비정부기구
NIMS National Inventory Management System 국가 인벤토리 관리 시스템
NIR National Inventory Report 국가 인벤토리 보고서
PSP Poznan Strategy Programme 포즈난전략프로그램
SB Subsidiary Body 부속기구회의
SBI Subsidiary Body for Implementation 이행부속기구회의
SBSTA Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice 과학기술자문부속기구회의
SCCF Special Climate Change Fund 특별기후변화기금
SCF Standing Committee of Finance 재정상설위원회
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals 지속가능개발목표
SIDs Small Island Developing States 군소도서국
TA Technical Assistance 기술지원
TAP Technology Action Plan 기술활동계획
TEC Technology Executive Committee 기술집행위원회
TNA Technology Needs Assessment 기술수요평가
UDP UNEP-DTU Partnership, United Nations Environment Programme and DTU Partnership 유엔환경계획 DTU 파트너쉽
UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and Development 유엔환경개발회의
UNCHE United Nations Conference on the Human Environment 유엔인간환경회의
UNDP United Nations Developing Programme 유엔개발계획
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme 유엔환경계획
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 유엔기후변화협약
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization 유엔산업개발기구
UNOSSC United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation 남-남 협력을 위한 UN 오피스
WB World Bank 세계은행
WIM Warsaw International Mechanism 바르샤바 국제 메커니즘
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization 세계지적재산권기구