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국제 기후기술 사업 상세보기
제목 Seeking experts: CTCN projects in Nepal and Sri Lanka

The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) is seeking experts for the following technical assistance projects:

Nepal is highly vulnerable to climate impacts, especially in the water sector where resources have been significantly depleted. One of the most susceptible districts is Ramechap, located above the Sunkoshi River, where the land is extremely dry and decreasing precipitation is severely impacting farmers. Water resources are especially vulnerable at high elevations where they are more sensitive to variability in rainfall patterns and timing, which contribute to increased drought frequency.

The project aims to address water scarcity problems by rehabilitating the traditional ponds in the community and developing new water management technology and infrastructure for water harvesting, groundwater recharge and solar lifting. Other activities include the formation of a farmers group and capacity development for agroforestry using harvested water, promotion of sprinkler and drip irrigation technology, and the dissemination of findings, including technical aspects, cost-benefit analyses, and operational guidelines for short and long-term income generation activities connected with the technologies.

For more information, please visit:

UNPD Internet Site: https://www.un.org/Depts/ptd/sites/www.un.org.Depts.ptd/files/pdf/eoi19592.pdf
UNGM Portal: https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/170737

Sri Lanka is the fourth largest coconut producing country in the world with the average production of 2800 – 3000 million nuts.  For the last two decades, coconut growers were facing many problems which ultimately encountered in the reduction of production and profitability of their plantations. The main factor that contributed to this reduction was the adverse effects caused by the prolong droughts as a result of climate change.

Even though large number of technologies available and recommended by Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka, coconut growers in the area usually have little or incomplete knowledge on the potential technologies to address the problems.  Furthermore, even the technology and knowledge reach the coconut growers; they might not be utilized properly due to lack of background knowledge or financial difficulties. Therefore, more effort is needed for the dissemination of required technology and knowledge within Puttalam district than other traditional coconut growing areas.

The CTCN is seeking experts to conduct a survey to quantify the reasons behind the low level of technology adaptation and to understand the level of technology adaptation required by the coconut growers; organize the meetings for stakeholders; develop a framework and an action plan to overcome the issues to uplift the technology adaptation by coconut growers;  implement the strategies to achieve the targeted outputs; implement the programme by introducing solutions for identified issues - field demonstrations, small scale model coconut gardens, mobile technology dissemination methods, etc.; monitoring and evaluation of the impact of proposed program on the technology adaptation of coconut growing community.

For more information, please visit:

UNPD Internet Site: https://www.un.org/Depts/ptd/sites/www.un.org.Depts.ptd/files/pdf/eoi19593.pdf
UNGM Portal: https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/170738


In case you are not a CTCN network member yet, you may still apply (further details are found in the document).

Please note that this request for expression of interest (EOI) is not an invitation for submission of tenders. Its purpose is to identify companies that would be interested and eligible to participate in the solicitation when issued. Vendors that are deemed qualified upon completion of an objective evaluation of their EOI submission will receive the final tender solicitation documents.

시작일 2022-03-22
종료일 2022-04-01
마감여부 마감
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Category CTCN TA
Project schedule expired
출처 CTCN (Climate Technology Centre & Network)
국제 기후기술 사업 이전글 다음글
이전글 [인도] 우타르프라데시주, 화력발전소 시설 관련 국제 입찰
다음글 2022년도 기후기술국제협력촉진사업(CTCN기술지원) 신규과제 공모