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제목 ('18.12.19) CTCN TA project

PFAN call for proposals: climate and clean energy projects in West Africa

Source organisation: 

United Nations Industrial Development Organization




Renewable energy

Energy efficiency

Publication date: 

Wednesday 19 December 2018

The Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) has launched a call for proposals for climate and clean energy projects and businesses in West Africa.

Do you need investment for a great climate change adaptation or clean energy project in West Africa? Would you like to pitch your project directly to investors? Apply now for PFAN’s free business coaching and investor matchmaking services! If you apply by the new deadline of 20 January 2019, you may be invited to pitch at the 2019 West Africa Forum for Climate & Clean Energy Financing!
How to Apply

  1. Visit the Call for Proposals webpage: tiny.cc/pfan-cfp - Here you will find all information and be able to check the eligibility of your project.
  2. Create an account for PFAN’s Climate-Invest system
  3. Prepare a proposal following the Proposal Guidelines - In this document you introduce your business model, management team, technology, market analyses etc.
  4. Complete the forms, upload and submit your proposal by 20 January 2019. Proposals received after this deadline may still be accepted by PFAN and considered for future Forums, but will not be eligible for the Investment Forum in late 2019.

What Happens Next?

  • Your proposal will be evaluated by at least two experts.
  • If it is accepted, you will be assigned a PFAN Coach from your country or region - Your coach will be an expert in the field, and will help you refine your business plan until it is ready to be shown to investors - for free!
  • If selected for the Financing Forum, you will be invited to a Project Development & Financing Workshop in April 2019, where you will meet PFAN Coaches and fellow entrepreneurs and prepare your pitch. All costs for your attendance will be covered by PFAN.
  • At the Forum, you will present your business plan to investors and international climate & clean energy experts. The best business plan wins an award. You will also be able to speak to investors during the networking breaks. All costs for your attendance will be covered by PFAN.
  • After the Forum, the Investment Facilitation Team, together with your coach, will work to find you the investment your project needs.
  • Select projects may also be accorded additional technical assistance where this is judged essential for raising finance.

Are you not based in West Africa? PFAN is also accepting proposals for projects in Asia and other regions in Sub-Saharan Africa. See the Call for Proposals page.

In May 2017, PFAN was relaunched under a new hosting arrangement with UNIDO and REEEP.

시작일 2018-12-19
종료일 2019-01-20
마감여부 마감
원문보기 원문바로가기
Category CTCN TA
Project schedule expired
출처 Climate Technology Centre & Network
국제 기후기술 사업 이전글 다음글
이전글 ('18.11.27) CTCN TA project
다음글 알제리 태양광 사업 국제입찰 공고