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제목 [국가녹색기술연구소] International Cooperation Potentials for Korea's PtX Technologies


I.Germany and Korea’s approaches and instruments for securing PtX imports

1. Cost Assessment – Hydrogen and Ammonia Cost Model

2. Political Assessements

3. Results

II.Germany and Korea’s approaches and instruments for securing PtX imports

1. Germany's energy policy/security situation, similarities/differences to Korea's

2. Germany's hydrogen strategy and governance framework

3. Most relevant policy instruments for securing hydrogen imports

4. Korea’s National Hydrogen Strategy and Implications

5. Korea’s hydrogen governance framework

Ⅲ. Germany, EU and Korea's PtX R&D programmes

1. EU's R&D and innovation programmes

2. Germany's R&D and innovation programmes

3. Korea’s Hydrogen R&D Programmes and Implications

IV. Conclusion
출처 국가녹색기술연구소
정책연구 보고서 이전글 다음글
이전글 [국가녹색기술연구소] [Greenovation I&I] 기술선도국의 탄소중립 R&D 투자현황과 시사점
다음글 [국가환경산업기술정보시스템] [KEITI 중국사무소] 중국 주간 환경뉴스 브리핑(CEB) Vol.174 3월 3주차