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제목 [UNEP CCC] Continuous climate reporting is key to transparency

UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre joined UNFCCC experts on review of Türkiye's reporting on the climate goals of the Paris Agreement


This March, Türkiye received a team of six experts nominated by the UNFCCC Secretariat (UN Climate Change) to review the contents of its 8th National Communication and 5th Biennial Report.

National Communications are the window to periodically learn about country’s advances towards the climate goals of the Paris Agreement.

A range of information is included in these reports: From the updated national inventory and projections of future emissions, mitigation and adaptation measures the countries have taken in the last years, to other cross-cutting elements such as Education, Research and Capacity building initiatives the countries are developing.

Tracking climate action and compliance with national commitments

Among the experts reviewing Türkiye’s National Communication and Biennial Report was UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre Senior Advisor on Climate Transparency and Mitigation, Fernando Farias, who regularly participates in these reviews.

“It is getting clear that the efforts countries are displaying to fight climate change consequences and to enhance the understanding and involvement of stakeholders into their own climate processes keeps evolving. As such, more sophisticated results presented by countries show renovated engagement to decrease impacts in emissions. This is very important for the countries but also for the different stakeholders around climate change who can track with the best information available how the countries are acting to comply with their international climate commitments,” he said on the value of the Paris Agreement and UNFCCC reporting processes.


For more information:

Review Reports of National Communications and Biennial Reports | UNFCCC

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