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제목 GEF PSP progress report 2011
분류 발간물(국외)
Category Reports(Int)
1. The Conference of the Parties, by its decision 2/CP.14, welcomed the Poznan strategic programme on technology transfer proposed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), at its thirty-fourth session, invited the GEF to provide reports on the progress made in carrying out its activities under the Poznan strategic programme, including its long-term implementation, for consideration by the SBI at its thirty-fifth and subsequent sessions, for the duration of the Poznan strategic programme.

2. In response, the GEF secretariat has submitted the report dated 24 October 2011 contained in the annex; it is reproduced here as submitted, without formal editing, and with the original pagination.

source : http://unfccc.int/ttclear/support/poznan-strategic-programme.html
출처 발간물(국외)
'정책분석' 이전글 다음글
이전글 GEF PSP progress report 2010
다음글 GEF PSP progress report 2012