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제목 GEF report on the elaboration of a strategic programme to scale up the level of investment in the transfer of environmentally sound technologies 2008
분류 발간물(국외)
Category Reports(Int)
1. The Conference of the Parties (COP), by its decision 4/CP.13, requested the Global Environment Facility (GEF), as an operational entity of the financial mechanism under the Convention, in consultation with interested Parties, international financial institutions, other relevant multilateral institutions and representatives of the private financial community, to elaborate a strategic programme to scale up the level of investment for technology transfer to help developing countries address their needs for environmentally sound technologies, specifically considering how such a strategic programme might be implemented along with its relationship to existing and emerging activities and initiatives regarding technology transfer. The COP requested the GEF to report on its findings to the twenty-eighth session of
the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) for consideration by Parties.

2. The SBI, at its twenty-eighth session, noted the report of the GEF on a strategic programme to scale up the level of investment for technology transfer.1 It encouraged the GEF to take into consideration the discussion on this issue that took place at that session, noting the concerns of Parties, in the elaboration of the options related to the strategic programme. Parties looked forward to considering a further report, to be provided by the GEF to the SBI for consideration at its twenty-ninth session, outlining a programme that fully addresses the elements called for in paragraph 3 of decision 4/CP.13 such as the need for broad and balanced consultation with Parties and how such a strategic programme might be implemented along with its relationship to existing and emerging activities and initiatives.

3. In response, the GEF secretariat has submitted the attached report (see annex); it is reproduced here as submitted, without formal editing, and with the original pagination.

source : http://unfccc.int/ttclear/support/poznan-strategic-programme.html
출처 발간물(국외)
'정책분석' 이전글 다음글
이전글 TNA SYNTHESIS REPORTS : 3rd report
다음글 GEF report to the COP 2009