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[기타] Letter: Northern Ireland Climate Commissioner

분류 Climate Change Committee

1. Outline

This is a letter from Professor Piers Forster, interim Chair of the CCC and Baroness Brown, Adaptation Committee Chair in response to a request for views on the draft Northern Ireland Climate Commissioner Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024, as required under section 56 of the Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 (the Act).

2. Key messages

  • The Committee welcomes increased scrutiny of the Act and supports the Northern Ireland Executive setting up the Northern Ireland Climate Commissioner as per section 50 of the Act.

  • We have reviewed the draft Regulations, and we welcome that these set an annual monitoring duty for the Commissioner.

  • As there is potential overlap with the Committee’s work, the Committee will be keen to co-operate with the Commissioner, once appointed, to ensure that our respective roles work well together and that there is effective scrutiny of the Northern Ireland Executive’s plans and delivery on climate change mitigation and adaptation.

출처 Climate Change Committee
'정책분석' 이전글 다음글
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