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제목 [IEA] COP28 Tripling Renewable Capacity Pledge
분류 IEA

Tracking countries’ ambitions and identifying policies to bridge the gap


About this report

Nearly 200 countries made major collective pledges on energy at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai with the aim of keeping within reach the Paris Agreement target of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C. For the first time, governments set key goals to help meet this objective, including tripling global renewable energy capacity by the end of this decade. Governments around the world have since requested the IEA’s support in implementing these promises in full and on time – asking that the Agency identify pathways forward and provide policy makers with advice on accelerating national and secure clean energy transitions.

The IEA’s new report, COP28 Tripling Renewable Capacity Pledge: Tracking countries’ ambitions and identifying policies to bridge the gap, which will publish along with updates to our Renewable Energy Progress Tracker, forms part of this work. By providing a global stocktake of governments’ renewable capacity plans, the analysis – which covers more than 145 countries – explores whether recent trends in the deployment of renewables are in line with government ambitions and the goal of reaching 11 000 gigawatts (GW) of capacity by 2030. It also provides regional insights; identifies key challenges for both advanced and emerging economies; and suggests priority areas for policy makers to close the implementation gap, particularly as they update their Nationally Determined Contributions, or NDCs, under the Paris Agreement.

This report was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union as part of its funding of the Clean Energy Transitions in Emerging Economies programme (CETEE-2) within the IEA’s Clean Energy Transitions Programme.

PublishedJune 2024

LicenceCC BY 4.0

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