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제목 [IEA] Advancing Clean Technology Manufacturing
분류 IEA

An Energy Technology Perspectives Special Report


About this report

Governments and firms around the world are racing to define their place in the clean energy economy, which is growing quickly as policy makers develop new industrial strategies that also bolster energy security and address climate change. This Energy Technology Perspectives Special Report is structured to provide decision makers with an analytical toolkit to design and evaluate their strategies for clean technology manufacturing. Acknowledging that there is no “one size fits all” approach, it lays out guiding principles that can help inform future planning.

This analysis was produced in response to a request from G7 Leaders in 2023. It benefits from the insights gathered during a High-level Dialogue on Diversifying Clean Technology Manufacturing held at the IEA headquarters in Paris in November 2023. It also builds on analysis conducted as part of the latest edition of the IEA’s flagship technology publication, Energy Technology Perspectives, and two Special Briefings on the topic of clean technology manufacturing during the course of 2023.



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