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'정책분석' 상세보기
제목 [GCF] Sectoral guide: Energy efficiency

The GCF sectoral guide seeks to provide an overview of country needs and evidence-based programming experiences in the Energy efficiency sector. It aims to support proposal development for the GCF in line with its investment criteria during its first replenishment period 2020-2023. The objective of guide is to provide a set of ‘how to’ tools to National Designated Authorities and Accredited Entities to support the development of high quality and impactful funding proposals for consideration by the GCF Board.

This sectoral guide was released for consultation in May 2022 and the consultation was open until August 2022 to provide sufficient time for stakeholder to provide inputs. Consultation was open to the Board, advisers, observers, NDAs, Direct and International Access Entities, civil society, private sector representatives, partner institutions and sector experts. The Secretariat received more than 120 specific comments and feedback on this draft. This consultation version 1 is an updated version of the draft sectoral guide that incorporates all comments and feedbacks received.

The sectoral guides will be submitted to the GCF Board for its consideration in 2022. In the meantime, GCF remains open to further comments on this draft. For further inquiries please contact us via: sectoralguides@gcfund.org.

COVER DATE22 September 2022

DOCUMENT TYPEPublication Guides

'정책분석' 이전글 다음글
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