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'정책분석' 상세보기
제목 [GCF] Towards a Long-Term Vision on Complementarity GEF and GCF Collaboration
분류 Green Climate Fund

This document presents a Long-Term Vision on Complementarity and Coherence collaboration between the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), herein after referred to as LTV. This new vision aims to build on the Pilot Coordinated Engagement exercise the GCF and GEF have been carrying out since 2018, and further define specific areas of cooperation, where complementarity of action might be most efficient and effective, and possible modalities to generate long-lasting outcomes and outputs in climate change adaptation and mitigation. 

출처 Green Climate Fund
'정책분석' 이전글 다음글
이전글 [GCF] Enhancing Direct Access Guidelines
다음글 [GCF] Accelerating and scaling up climate innovation: How the Green Climate Fund’s approach can deliver new climate solutions for developing countries