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제목 [GCF] Bhutan for Life

Securing Bhutan’s protected areas, comprising 51% of its territory, thus preventing deforestation and preserving resources.
Bhutan is committed to the bold goal of remaining carbon neutral, as re-stated in its NDC under the Paris Agreement. Much of Bhutan is managed under a network of Protected Areas (PAs), which are central to ensuring that at least 60% of the country remains under forest cover. However, many of these areas are coming under increasing pressure from a combination of economic development in surrounding areas, illegal extraction of resources, and the adverse impacts of weather-related events such as landslides, floods, and forest fires.
Bhutan for Life will support improved management of the country’s PAs, providing time and resources for the government to secure long-term revenues to maintain the improvements. Activities under the programme will increase forestry and land use climate mitigation, and support ecosystem-based adaptation to improve natural resource management and livelihoods, and enhance biodiversity.
The project has an estimated lifespan of 14 years.

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분류 GCF Project
Category GCF Project
[프로젝트사례] 이전글 다음글
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