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제목 [GCF] Geeref Next

Catalysing private sector investment for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects across the developing world.
GEEREF NeXt is structured as a fund of funds, with the aim of being a first investor (anchor investor) in renewable energy/ energy efficiency (RE / EE) investment funds, and encouraging other investors to co-invest. Catalyzed by the GCF funding, GEEREF NeXt offers risk-averse private investors a broad diversification of capital across different projects and technologies in developing countries. 
GEEREF NeXt will operate either indirectly via specialised funds, or directly via investments into the beneficiary projects themselves. GEEREF NeXt is expected to finance more than 200 RE/EE projects through the course of its fifteen year lifespan. GEEREF NeXt will provide the long-term and patient capital which is essential to bring RE/EE projects from early development to full operations. It will build on the success of its predecessor fund, the Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund (GEEREF). GEEREF NeXt will build capacity and track records of local fund managers in developing countries, which will help turn RE/EE investment into a mainstream asset class for institutional investors.
The project has an estimated lifespan of 15 years.

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분류 GCF Project
Category GCF Project
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