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[프로젝트사례] 상세보기
제목 [GCF] Strengthening climate resilience of rural communities in Northern Rwanda (SCRNRP)

Increasing the resilience of vulnerable communities to climate change in Northern Rwanda by targeting a range of integrated adaptation interventions.
The high number of poor people engaged in subsistence agriculture makes Rwanda particularly susceptible to climate change. This is especially the case for people who have less resources to adapt, including those who farm on marginal land who are highly vulnerable to landslides, flooding and droughts. 
This project will focus on increasing the climate resilience of vulnerable communities in nine sectors of Rwanda's Gicumbi District. It will restore and enhance ecosystems in degraded watersheds and increase the capacity of communities to sustainably manage forest resources. It will follow an integrated landscape management model.
The project has an estimated lifespan of 6 years.

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분류 GCF Project
Category GCF Project
[프로젝트사례] 이전글 다음글
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