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제목 [GCF] Ensuring climate resilient water supplies in the Comoros Islands

[GCF] 코모로 제도(Comoros Islands)의 기후탄력적 물 공급 
Adapting to increasing climate risks that impact the country’s drinking and irrigation water supply.
The entire country, separated into three islands, has a land area of only 2,612 square kilometres and no land further than 7 kilometres from the coast. This means the country is highly vulnerable to climate effects such as cyclones, erosion, flash floods and droughts. Rising temperatures will also reduce water availability and cause saline intrusion from rising sea levels.
This project will strengthen the national governance of water by integrating climate change into the country’s new water code. This will include integrating climate information into revised water legislation reforms, and upgrading tariff reforms to include the additional costs of reducing climate risks. Enhanced climate-resilient water infrastructure will incorporate expanded water storage tanks to store more water through longer dry periods.
The project has an estimated lifespan of 25 years.
Adapting to increasing climate risks that impact the country’s drinking and irrigation water supply.
The entire country, separated into three islands, has a land area of only 2,612 square kilometres and no land further than 7 kilometres from the coast. This means the country is highly vulnerable to climate effects such as cyclones, erosion, flash floods and droughts. Rising temperatures will also reduce water availability and cause saline intrusion from rising sea levels.
This project will strengthen the national governance of water by integrating climate change into the country’s new water code. This will include integrating climate information into revised water legislation reforms, and upgrading tariff reforms to include the additional costs of reducing climate risks. Enhanced climate-resilient water infrastructure will incorporate expanded water storage tanks to store more water through longer dry periods.
The project has an estimated lifespan of 25 years.
코모로 제도의 식수 및 관개 수자원에 영향을 미치는 기후 변화 위험에 적응 
세 개의 섬으로 나뉘어진 코모로 제도는 2,612 제곱 킬로에 달하는 국토를 갖추고 있으며 모든 지역이 연안 7km내에 위치해 있다. 그렇기 때문에 사이클론, 침식, 급격한 홍수 및 가뭄과 같은 기후변화에 매우 취약하다. 기온 상승은 물 가용성에 영향을 미칠 것이며 해수면 상승은 염수 침식으로 이어질 것이다. 
본 프로젝트는 국가의 신규 물 관련 제도에 기후변화를 통합해 국가 거버넌스를 강화하고자 한다. 제도에 기후 정보를 수자원 개혁에 통합하고, 관세 개혁을 통해 기후 위험의 비용을 포함하고자 한다. 개선된 기후회복적 인프라는 확장된 물 저장 탱크를 통해 건기에 가용할 수 있는 수자원을 확대할 것이다. 
프로젝트의 예상기간은 25년이다. 

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분류 GCF Project
Category GCF Project
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