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정책연구 보고서 상세보기
제목 [녹색기술센터] Political economy of carbon capture and utilization technologies
(1) Introduction

(2) Previous studies on the political-economic barriers and policy instruments for CCS

(3) Political economic barriers in the development and transfer of CCU
3.1 The economic aspect
3.2 The sociopolitical aspect

(4) International policy instruments under the UNFCCC
4.1 Climate Technology Centre and Network of the Technology Mechnaism
4.2 Green Climate Fund of the Financial Mechanism
4.3 Sustainable Development Mechanism and Cooperative Approaches of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

(5) Conclusion: Steps forward

출처 : 녹색기술센터 Green Technology Center
출처 녹색기술센터 (GTC, Green Technology Center)
정책연구 보고서 이전글 다음글
이전글 [녹색기술센터] 탄소자원화 기술의 연구·개발·실증 활성화
다음글 [과학기술정보통신부] 제150호 과학기술&ICT 동향