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제목 [녹색기술센터] White Paper 2019 on Green Climate Technology
White Paper 2019 on Green Climate Technology

Part I : United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC) for Climate Change Response
Chapter 1: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC)
Chapter 2: Major Discussions about Technology and Finance

Part II : Domestic and Overseas Climate Technologies for Climae Change Response
Chapter 1: Climate Technology Classification System
Chapter 2: Current Status of Domestic and Overseas Climate Technologies
Chapter 3: Fourth Industrial Revolution and Climate Technology

Part III : International Finance for Climate Change Response
Chapter 1: Current Status of International Finance for the Climate Change Response
Chapter 2: Association Analysis of Multilateral Climate Funds and Climate Technologies

출처 : 녹색기술센터 (GTC, Green Technology Center)
출처 녹색기술센터 (GTC, Green Technology Center)
정책연구 보고서 이전글 다음글
이전글 [과학기술정보통신부] 제144호 과학기술&ICT 동향
다음글 [녹색기술센터] 녹색·기후기술 백서 2019