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제목 [녹색기술센터] 2015-2021 : An Overview of Korea's Engagement with the United Nations Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN)
[해상풍력 O&M 기술의 디지털화]


I. Introduction
1. Background and Mandate
2. Organizational Structure
3. Service Areas
4. Flagship Initiatives

Ⅱ. Korea's Engagement with the CTCN
1. Engagement Overview
2. Engagement Activities

Ⅲ. Annex
1. CTC Network Members in Korea (As of 2021.10)
2. CTCN Taxonomy
출처 녹색기술센터(GTC)
정책연구 보고서 이전글 다음글
이전글 [GTonline] GT인사이트_미국 탄소 중립 정책 현황
다음글 [녹색기술센터] Policy Brief 1_Cooperative Pathways to Carbon Neutrality: Harmonising Climate Technology and Behavioural change