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제목 TEC 15

Information for participants
Notification to Parties and Observers

TEC/2017/15/1      Provisional agenda for TEC 15
TEC/2017/15/2      Annotations to the provisional agenda for TEC 15
TEC/2017/15/3      Tentative work schedule for TEC 15
TEC/2017/15/4      Background note on the main outcomes of the Bonn climate change conference of May 2017
TEC/2017/15/5      Draft guidance on monitoring of TAP implementation
TEC/2017/15/6      Draft paper on aligning TNA process with NAP process
TEC/2017/15/7      Updated papers on linkages between the TNA and NDC process
TEC/2017/15/8      Draft inputs for the draft guidance to the OE of the FM
TEC/2017/15/9      Draft TEC Brief on industrial EE and material substitution in carbon intensive sectors
TEC/2017/15/10    Draft executive summaries to target groups
TEC/2017/15/11    Background note on inputs to the assessment of the existing TEP on mitigation
TEC/2017/15/12    Draft compilation of good practices on SSC and TrC information sharing and practical learning
TEC/2017/15/13    Draft TEC Brief on innovation
TEC/2017/15/14    Concept note: mapping enabling environments and barriers
TEC/2015/15/15    Draft TEC inputs to SBSTA 47 on the technology framework
TEC/2017/15/16.1 Draft key messages on mitigation to COP 23
TEC/2017/15/16.2 Draft key messages on innovation to COP 23 
TEC/2017/15/17    Draft joint annual report of the TEC and the CTCN for 2017
TEC/2017/15/18    Draft joint chapter by the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the TEC and the CTCN Advisory Board

Reference documents
FCCC/CP/2017/5    GCF report to COP 23. Note by the secretariat
FCCC/CP/2017/7    GEF report to COP 23. Note by the secretariat
Rolling workplan of the TEC for 2016-2018

Meeting report and other documents 
TEC15 meeting report

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분류 TEC
Category TEC
출처 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Global NEWS 이전글 다음글
이전글 TEC 14
다음글 GCF publishes first funding proposals for Board consideration