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제목 TEC 10

Information for participants
Information for participants

In-session thematic dialogue
Distributed renweable energy

Documents prepared for the meeting
TEC/2015/10/1    Provisional agenda for TEC 10
TEC/2015/10/2    Annotations to the provisional agenda
TEC/2015/10/3    Tentative work schedule  
TEC/2015/10/4    Background note on the main outcomes of the Lima climate change conference
TEC/2015/10/5    Background note on the main outcomes of the Geneva climate change conference (ADP 2.8)
TEC/2015/10/6    Background note on the review of the implementation of the TEC rolling workplan for 2014-2015
TEC/2015/10/7    Draft outline of interim report of the TEC on the evaluation of the Poznan strategic programme
TEC/2015/10/8    Background note on possible topic for a TEC Brief on climate technology financing
TEC/2015/10/9    Background note on the summary of the workshop on national systems of innovation
TEC/2015/10/10  Background note on topic and outline for TEC Brief on national systems of innovation
TEC/2015/10/11  Agenda of the thematic dialogue on distributed renewable energy
TEC/2014/9/16    Proposed outline of the outreach and communication strategy of the TEC

Reference documents
Rolling workplan of the TEC for 2014-2015
 Joint annual report of the TEC and CTCN for 2014
Linkages between the Technology Mechanism and the Financial Mechanism: recommendations of the TEC
Documents for the thematic dialogue on distributed renewable energy generation and integration

Meeting presentations
Link to the meeting presentations

Meeting report
TEC/2015/10/12 Meeting report of TEC 10

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분류 TEC
Category TEC
출처 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Global NEWS 이전글 다음글
이전글 TEC 9
다음글 Informal TEC stocktaking