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제목 TEC 9

Information for participants
TEC 9 - Information for participants

TEC/2014/9/1     Provisional agenda for TEC 9
TEC/2014/9/2     Annotations to the provisional agenda
TEC/2014/9/3     Tentative work schedule for TEC 9
TEC/2014/9/4     Background paper on outcomes of June 2014 conference
TEC/2014/9/5     Draft paper on good practices with TNAs
TEC/2014/9/6     Draft paper on linkages with TNAs and other planning processes 
TEC/2014/9/7     Agenda of the thematic dialogue on Climate Technology Financing
TEC/2014/9/8     Draft value proposition paper on the work of the TEC relevant for the financial mechanism 
TEC/2014/9/9     Elements for draft recommendations on TM-FM linkages
TEC/2014/9/10   Draft agenda for the workshop on national systems of innovation 
TEC/2014/9/11   Draft TEC Brief on technologies for adaptation – Agriculture
TEC/2014/9/12   Draft TEC Brief on technologies for adaptation – Water
TEC/2014/9/13   Background paper on topics or areas of work on mitigation technologies
TEC/2014/9/14   Background paper on the implementation of the Poznan strategic programme
TEC/2014/9/15   Zero draft joint annual report of the TEC and the CTCN for 2014 
TEC/2014/9/16   Outline of the outreach and communication strategy of the TEC
TEC/2014/9/17   Draft guidelines on modalities for the work of task forces of the TEC

Reference documents
Rolling workplan of the TEC for 2014-2015
Joint annual report of the TEC and CTCN for 2013
Third synthesis report on TNAs
InformalNote Reflections on progress made at ADP-2.5
GEF report on the progress on the Poznan strategic programme on technology transfer
SBI 40 report and addendum
SBSTA 40 report and addendum

Meeting presentations
Link to slides of meeting presentations

Meeting report
TEC/2014/9/18 Meeting report of TEC 9

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분류 TEC
Category TEC
출처 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Global NEWS 이전글 다음글
이전글 TEC 8
다음글 TEC 10