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기후변화 대응 관련 국제기구 소식과 해외 주요국 정책·시장동향 정보를 제공합니다.

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제목 [2024.11.22 ~ 2024.11.24, 이탈리아] 2024 9th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Conservation (ICREC 2024)

22nd to 24th November 2024
Rome, Italy

Website: http://www.icrec.org/
Contact person: Ms. Nina Lee

ICREC 2024 selected and presented papers will be published into Springer Book Series: Green Energy and Technology as book chapter. The book series is now indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus, SCImago et al.

Organized by: ICREC
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 25th September 2024

Check the event website for more details.

View all events from this organizer.

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분류 국외 행사
Category Seminar / Conference(International)
출처 Conal
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