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제목 [GGGI] Celebrating Agripreneurial Success: 37 Graduates Complete Climate Smart Agriculture Program in Kiribati

South Tarawa, Kiribati June 14, 2024 – In collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Agricultural Development (MELAD) and the Qatar Fund for Development, the “Climate Smart Agriculture for Kiribati” (KCSA) project proudly celebrated the graduation of 37 agripreneurs from its 3rd and last cohort of the Agribusiness Training Program. The program aims to equip local entrepreneurs with the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to thrive in the agribusiness sector.   


The graduation ceremony marks a significant milestone in the development of sustainable agribusiness practices across South and North Tarawa. During the ceremony, the graduates were awarded a total of USD 267,500 in grant funding to invest in their businesses. This financial support will empower them to implement innovative climate smart solutions, increase their production capabilities, and contribute to the overall economic development of Kiribati. “We are incredibly proud of our graduates. Their hard work and dedication have shown that they are not only capable of driving their businesses forward but also making a positive impact in their communities,” said the Honorable Minister for MELAD. “This program is a testament to our commitment to sustainable growth and food security in Kiribati,” he added.  


The program has supported 37 diverse businesses across various sectors, including fresh produce and vegetables, poultry and livestock, fish and seafood, innovative and sustainable solutions, and food processing and value addition. Notably, 62% of these businesses are led by women, highlighting a significant shift towards gender inclusivity in the agricultural sector. 


The graduation ceremony also reflected on the achievements of the agripreneurs and the positive impact they are poised to make in their communities. “These agripreneurs are pioneers in a critical sector. Their success is a source of inspiration and a step towards a sustainable future for Kiribati. We are committed to supporting them every step of the way,” Rajnil Prasad, GGGI’s Senior CSA Project Manager, said. To-date, the project has trained a total of 59 agripreneurs and awarded a total of USD 382,500 which is a significant investment to stimulate the agriculture sector. Along with GGGI Pacific regional strategy, GGGI and MELAD will continue to support these businesses, showcasing the power of partnership in achieving sustainable development goals.


About Climate Smart Agriculture for Kiribati (KCSA) Project 

The KCSA project aims to enhance adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change of Kiribati island communities through a technology, education and capacity building and livelihoods development program for the agriculture sector. The project will support Kiribati to achieve its national development targets and international commitment by helping to develop a climate resilient, income generating agriculture sector that is backstopped by green technology solutions and which is accessible and inclusive to all i-Kiribati.


About the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) 

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) was founded as a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization in 2012 at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. GGGI supports its Member States in transitioning their economies toward a green growth model that simultaneously achieves poverty reduction, social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and economic growth. With 48 Member States and over 25 Partner countries and regional integration organizations in the process of accession, GGGI delivers programs and projects in over 51 countries. These initiatives encompass developing innovative green growth solutions, technical support, capacity building, policy planning & implementation, and assistance in building a pipeline of bankable green investment projects, project financing, investments, and knowledge sharing. GGGI’s work contributes to its Member States’ efforts to fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals and the Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement.   


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For more information, visit:  https://gggi.org 


(GGGI Pacific)
Rajnil Prasad, Senior Climate Smart Agriculture Project Management Officer



(GGGI Seoul HQ)
Mona Laczo, Communications & Knowledge Sharing Unit Head
+82 10 9530 0358

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