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제목 [GGGI] Final Validation of the Agrivoltaics Preliminary Study and Roadmap Development for Pilot Implementation in Rwanda

Kigali, Rwanda, May 30, 2024 – The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Rwanda, in collaboration with the Rwanda Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), hosted a workshop to validate the preliminary study on agrivoltaics in Rwanda and co-create a roadmap for implementation. This workshop marks a significant milestone in the innovative initiative to promote agrivoltaics in Rwanda. Agrivoltaics is a concept that allows for the simultaneous generation of solar energy and cultivation of crops. The purpose of the workshop was to validate the findings from the 10-month agrivoltaics preliminary study, funded by GGGI’s own resources, and delivered by Envelops Ltd. Moreover, the workshop aimed to develop a roadmap for piloting this innovative approach in Rwanda in collaboration with all participants.

In her welcoming remarks, Caroline Raes, the Country Representative for GGGI Rwanda expressed her gratitude to all the participants for their active engagement and contribution to the study, stating that this preliminary study results came after several months of engagements with key project stakeholders, site visits, research and analysis.

Caroline Raes, Country Representative GGGI Rwanda

Rwanda is among the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Evidence shows that average temperatures in Rwanda are rising, and there is an increase in dry spells, particularly in the eastern province. Considering that Rwanda’s agriculture sector is primarily rain-fed, climate change threatens food security, rural livelihoods and economic growth. 

To address this challenge, GGGI, a trusted advisor to the Rwandan government, is pioneering agrivoltaics in Rwanda, a tried-and-tested solution that tackles the quadruple challenges of food, water, energy and land. By co-locating agriculture with solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, agrivoltaics provides much-needed shade in drought-prone areas, increasing crop yields, whilst promoting productive use of renewable energy for irrigation and post-harvest activities.  The project strongly aligns with GGGI’s mission to achieve a sustainable and circular bioeconomy while protecting natural systems, specifically under their Climate Resilient Agriculture and Sustainable Energy Programmatic Solutions. Furthermore, this project contributes to Rwanda’s updated NDC targets through the promotion of solar water pumping for irrigation, climate-smart facilities and sustainable land management

The workshop participants included high-level officials and representatives from MINAGRI, Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB), and other relevant government organizations, development partners, private sector, researchers and academia in the fields of agriculture, energy and climate.

Part of the workshop included the presentation of the study results conducted by the consulting firm, Envelops. This included details of the technological design assessment, economic and financial analysis, the implementation plan and recommendations for piloting the project. Through an interactive co-creation session, participants took time to brainstorm on the roadmap that will guide the government and key stakeholders to move into the implementation of the pilot phase.

In her remarks, Dr. Chantal Ingabire, the Director General of Planning in the Ministry of Agriculture said: “Today, we embark on the next chapter of Rwanda’s Agrivoltaics journey. Through research, innovation, and collaboration, we will unlock the immense potential of this approach. Let us harness the power of agrivoltaics to build a legacy of sustainable development, food security, and a thriving future for generations to come.”

The agrivoltaics project spearheaded by GGGI is envisioned to unfold in three phases: preliminary study, pilot phase, and scale up phase. Following the successful validation of the preliminary study, going forward, GGGI Rwanda in collaboration with its partners, will focus on mobilizing resources to allow the project to advance into the piloting phase. Together, we are paving the way for a resilient and climate-smart agricultural sector in Rwanda.

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