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Global 기구·기관 상세보기
Title Association pour la Recherche et la Promotion de l’Energie Durable en Afrique Centrale
Category CTCN
Country of registration: 
Network member number: 

Avenue John Ngu Foncha Nkomkana 2, Yaoundé II, BP 5834 YDE-NLONGKAK, Cameroon

Relation to CTCN: 
Network Member
Knowledge Partner
Type of organisation: 
Non-governmental organisation
Cross cutting approach: 

ARPEDAC's mission is to advance sustainable energy technologies practice and development in the Central African Region, to help remove the barriers to the research and development currently faced by the industry and to reduce energy poverty and improve the quality of life of those by building capacity and raising awareness on energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and services and to support exploration of efficient, sustainable, secure and affordable energy technologies and services which are appropriate to meet the needs of businesses, communities and environment of today and the future of the region.

Sources CTCN
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