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Global 기구·기관 상세보기
Title Center for Clean Air Policy
Category CTCN
Country of registration: 
Network member number: 

750 First St NE, Suite 940 Washington, DC 20002 , USA

Relation to CTCN: 
Network Member
Knowledge Partner
Type of organisation: 
Not for profit organisation
Cross cutting approach: 

Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP) is a not for profit, non governmental and research and academic organization established in 1985 with the mission to significantly advance cost-effective and pragmatic air quality and climate policy through analysis, dialogue and education to reach a broad range of policy-makers and stakeholders worldwide. CCAP helps policy-makers around the world develop, promote and implement innovative, market-based solutions to major climate, air quality and energy problems that balance both environmental and economic interests. 

Sources CTCN
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