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Global 기구·기관 상세보기
Title Indonesia
Category NDA
INDONESIA IDN ASIA-PACIFIC NATIONAL DESIGNATED AUTHORITY (NDA) / FOCAL POINT for interaction with GCF FISCAL POLICY AGENCY, MINISTRY OF FINANCE Dr Suahasil Nazara Chairman of Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Finance WORK +6221 34831678 WORK +6221 34831677 WEBSITE ADDRESS Center of Climate Finance and Multilateral Policy, Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Finance, R.M. Notohamiprodjo Building 5th Floor, Jalan Dr. Wahidin No.1 Jakarta, 10710 Indonesia Mr. Parjiono Director of Center for Climate Finance and Multilateral Policy / Head of the NDA Secretariat WORK +62 21 3483 1678 FAX +62 21 3483 1677 ADDRESS R.M. Notohamiprodjo Building 2th Floor, Jalan Dr. Wahidin Raya Nomor 1 Jakarta, 10710 Indonesia GCF TEAM
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