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[우크라이나] Driving energy efficiency: Ukraine joins global ESCO Network

The Ukrainian Association of Energy Service Companies (UAESCO) has joined the Global ESCO Network, strengthening international collaboration to drive energy efficiency. Upcoming webinar will highlight achievements and resilience, showcasing energy modernization efforts despite significant challenges.

January 13, 2025

The Ukrainian Association of Energy Service Companies (UAESCO) has become the newest member of the Global ESCO Network. UAESCO, which represents 37 companies, has been at the forefront of advancing energy modernization in Ukraine, even amidst the challenges of wartime. By joining the Global ESCO Network, UAESCO aims to leverage international expertise, strengthen knowledge sharing, and align with global energy efficiency goals.

Energy Efficiency Progress and Potential in Ukraine

Since 2016, Ukraine’s energy service companies have signed over 750 energy service agreements valued at almost USD 55 million. These projects have achieved significant milestones, such as thermal modernization of public buildings, installation of energy-efficient LED lighting, and implementation of decentralized solar power systems in critical infrastructure, including hospitals and water utilities. Recent years have demonstrated the resilience of Ukrainian ESCOs, with energy performance contracts signed in 2024 equaling the value of those signed in the previous six years.

These achievements underscore the broader potential of energy efficiency as a cost-effective and impactful solution to address climate challenges. By joining the Global ESCO Network, UAESCO gains access to resources and expertise that can further catalyze energy efficiency investments, both nationally and internationally.

The Role of the Global ESCO Network

The Global ESCO Network is an international platform that champions the role of energy service companies in achieving global climate goals. It provides a space for knowledge sharing, analysis of policy frameworks, and advocacy for enabling environments to unlock the full potential of energy efficiency investments. For UAESCO and their member ESCO companies, this partnership offers opportunities to learn and support other ESCO association in identifying best practices and enabling environments for the further development of their ESCO markets, engage with industry experts and champions, and promote their activities to the international ESCO community.

Showcasing Ukrainian Resilience and Innovation

On January 30 the Global ESCO Network and UAESCO will host a webinar titled “ESCO in Ukraine: 8 Years of Progress and Resilience Amid War.”
This event will explore how key energy-efficient technologies and distributed energy resources deployed by ESCOs, including the installation of solar power stations in hospitals and water utilities, thermal modernization of public buildings, and LED lighting solutions have enabled energy efficiency improvements despite unprecedented challenges.

The session will spotlight key successes including the support to municipalities in adopting sustainable, energy-saving measures while driving forward the country’s green transition agenda, and share insights into the legislative and financial frameworks that have underpinned these achievements.

Speakers from UNDP Ukraine and UAESCO will discuss how innovative financial mechanisms like the Decarbonization Fund and ESCO-Fund are accelerating project implementation.

Read more about the webinar and register here.

Looking Ahead

As part of the Global ESCO Network, UAESCO is positioned to strengthen its role in driving energy efficiency investments and contributing to global climate goals. This collaboration reflects the Network’s mission to advocate for policy change, share expertise, and expand the reach of energy service companies worldwide.

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