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Title GCF strengthens bilateral cooperation with Costa Rica and Tajikistan

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) recently signed bilateral agreements on privileges and immunities with the Government of the Republic of Costa Rica and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The signings took place on the margins of the 39th meeting of the GCF Board in Songdo, Incheon, Republic of Korea.

The granting of privileges and immunities will facilitate the implementation of GCF-funded projects, especially projects involving GCF direct investments, and will ease other joint activities and cooperation in the two countries.

The privileges and immunities agreement with Costa Rica was signed between GCF Executive Director Mafalda Duarte and Costa Rica Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Arnoldo André Tinoco. GCF has been supporting Costa Rica on climate action with 11 GCF-funded projects and eight Readiness grants, totaling approximately USD 416 million.

The privileges and immunities agreement with Tajikistan was signed between Duarte and the Chairman of the Committee of Environment Protection, Sheralizoda Bahodur Ahmajon. In attendance at the signing were Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Republic of Korea Amriddinzoda Kirom and the Head of GCF NDA Secretariat in the Republic of Tajikistan, Turakul Murodov. The Fund’s ties with Tajikistan were further boosted with the GCF Board approving a new community-based agriculture project in Tajikistan and the first-time accreditation of the Center for Implementation of Investment Projects within the Committee for Environmental Protection (CIIP), a Direct Access Entity from Tajikistan.


GCF Executive Director Mafalda Duarte and Chairman of the Committee of Environment Protection Sheralizoda Bahodur Ahmajon signed the privileges and immunities agreement between GCF and Tajikistan.


GCF Executive Director Mafalda Duarte and Vice Minister Foreign Affairs and Worship, Ambassador Alejandro Solano Ortiz at the signing of the privileges and immunities agreement between GCF and Costa Rica.

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Category GCF
Sources Green Climate Fund
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