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Global Climate Reports

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Title [GCF] Why an ambitious replenishment of the Green Climate Fund matters
Category Reports(Int)
The investment decisions we make now and over the next few years will determine the world we and our children will live in. The next decade is crucial in achieving the necessary transition towards a low-emissions, climate-resilient global economy that is the foundation for a safe planet.

In only four years, GCF has allocated over USD 5 billion of the USD 7 billion received from contributors. As a result, its Board launched the first GCF replenishment in October 2018. An ambitious and successful replenishment will enable GCF to fulfil its role in channelling adequate and predictable climate finance to developing countries. GCF’s support over the next programming period will be critical in raising and realising the climate commitments to be articulated by developing countries in their updated NDCs in 2020.

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