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Title [CTCN] CTCN marks first 5 years - Progress Report launched
Category Reports(Int)
A global effort by National Designated Entities, technology experts and funders, coordinated by the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), is starting to show impact. In its Five Year Progress Report the CTCN announced that 137 technology solutions have been delivered or are under way in 79 countries. 2,500 people have been trained and over 10 million tonnes of CO₂eq are expected to be reduced per year with completion of the mitigation-related projects.

With an original investment of $40 million USD, the CTCN’s technical assistance has leveraged $670 million USD in anticipated funding for developing countries’ technology implementation.

“Accelerating the deployment of clean and green technologies is crucial for realizing the aims of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. Over the past five years, the CTCN has served as a powerful example of a UNFCCC mechanism connecting developing countries to the innovative and relevant technologies they seek”, says Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The country-driven nature of the CTCN, with 160 National Designated Entities identifying climate technology needs based upon goals set forth in Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans, is closely aligned with the Paris Agreement.

“Our interventions identify the best possible technology options for climate action, and support policy development and resource mobilization to enhance their uptake. Experience from the last five years has taught us that pairing technology expertise with local knowledge is essential, scalability is important and that relationships matter”, emphasizes Jukka Uosukainen, the Director of the CTCN.

About the CTCN: The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) promotes the accelerated development and transfer of climate technologies for energy-efficient, low-carbon and climate-resilient development. The CTCN is the implementation arm of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism and is hosted and managed by UN Environment and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. The Centre utilizes the expertise of these institutions, as well as a global network of over 460 civil society, finance, private sector, and research institutions, to deliver technical assistance and capacity building at the request of developing countries. The CTCN also works closely with the Technology Executive Committee, the policy arm of the Technology Mechanism, to enhance collaboration in the delivery of climate technology support and respond effectively to the needs of countries.
Sources 발간물(국외)
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