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Title GCF Simplified Approval Process (SAP) funding proposal preparation guidelines: A practical manual for the preparation of SAP proposals
Category Reports(Int)
These guidelines have been developed to support GCF accredited entities (AEs) in the preparation of funding proposals under the Simplified Approval Process (SAP) pilot scheme.

This document provides general clarifications on the indicative content expected in a SAP funding proposal submitted to GCF. More specific guidelines on the type of activities by sector will be developed separately by the GCF Secretariat. This document refers to policies approved by the GCF Board in relation to the preparation of funding proposals, such as the results management framework, the performance measurement framework, the monitoring and accountability framework and the initial investment framework, among others.

This publication refers to version 1.1 of the SAP funding proposal template. Please note that while this document will be updated over time, it is possible that the future versions of the SAP funding proposal template, as well as the SAP Online Submission System, might refer to different headings and field identification numbers.
Sources 발간물(국외)
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