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Global Climate Reports

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Category Reports(Int)
The Green Climate Fund’s second edition of ELEMENTS highlights key opportunities that the Fund can help countries seize. GCF has succeeded in raising USD 10 billion equivalent during its Initial Resource Mobilization (IRM) in 2014. Utilizing these scarce resources to achieve the greatest possible impact on both mitigation and adaptation is now the key challenge faced by the Fund. This guide considers a number of areas where there is high potential to make a significant and ambitious contribution towards global efforts to respond to climate change. The report draws upon the findings of the document “Analysis of the Expected Role and Impact of the Green Climate Fund,” presented at the 9th Board meeting in March 2015, where readers can find in-depth discussion on each of the Fund’s results areas based on up-to-date studies and data from a wide array of sources.
Sources 발간물(국외)
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