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Global Climate Reports

'정책분석' 상세보기
Title Regional forum : CTCN Regional Forum for Pacific Island Countries
Category Reports(Int)
□ Date and time:
17 - 20 July 2017

□ Organiser:
Climate Technology Centre and Network

On the sideline of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Structured Dialogue, CTCN invited National Designated Authorities (NDAs) to the GCF and CTCN NDEs for a half-day session on CTCN. As per the Convention Mandate enhanced linkages between CTCN and the GCF, CTCN has been working with GCF in leveraging GCF resources to fulfil the CTCN mandate of providing technical assistance to developing countries at their request. It is in this spirit of cooperation GCF has invited the NDEs to participate in the structured dialogue of GCF and understand GCF process. CTCN would like to take this opportunity to also increase the awareness of CTCN activities among NDA colleagues in the region.

CTCN also takes the opportunity to hold half a day session on Friday 21 July 2017 to hold Pacific Regional Forum of NDEs. The Regional Forum will be an opportunity to share information on CTCN developments , discuss successes, challenges, and opportunities for countries to use CTCN services, and also share the experience of using GCF readiness windows for addressing TA requests from countries to CTCN.
Sources 발간물(국외)
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