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Global Climate Reports

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Title Regional forum : CTCN Forum for Central Asia and Eastern Europe
Category Reports(Int)
□ Date and time:
30 May - 01 June 2017

□ Organiser:
Climate Technology Centre and Network

The Regional Forum brought together Nationally Designated Entities (NDEs), Nationally Designated Authority (NDA) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), CTCN network members, representative of financial institutions and other government officials. Specifically, the forum aims to:

- Present the latest development of CTCN services to developing countries globally and in the region;
- Share experiences and best practices from CTCN technical assistance in the region, including those involving collaboration with the GCF;
- Discuss successes and challenges encountered by NDEs;
- Strengthen linkages and enhance collaboration between NDAs and NDEs.

The forum was organized in parallel with the GCF Regional Workshop for Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The forum will include joint sessions bringing together NDEs and NDAs to articulate concrete proposals to facilitate access and deployment of climate technologies. These efforts are in line with article 10 of the Paris Agreement and from COP22 in Marrakesh that encourages enhanced linkages between the technology and the finance mechanisms under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Sources 발간물(국외)
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