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Global Climate Reports

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Title Regional forum : CTCN Regional Forum for Asia
Category Reports(Int)
□ Date and time:
24 - 27 April 2017

□ Organiser:
Climate Technology Centre and Network

The CTCN Regional Forum for Asia took place in Bali (Indonesia), in parallel with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) structured dialogue.

□ Objectives

- Present the latest development of CTCN services to developing countries globally and in the region;
- Share experiences and best practices from CTCN technical assistance in the region, including those involving collaboration with the GCF, as well as successes and challenges encountered by NDEs, as part of their roles;
- Strengthen linkages between the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism and the Financial Mechanism and enhance collaboration between NDEs and National Designated Authorities to articulate concrete proposals to facilitate access to climate technologies, in line with art. 10 of the Paris Agreement and COP22 decisions;
- Increase south-south learning, and create networking opportunities through showcasing innovative climate technologies that respond to country priorities (Nationally Determined Contributions, Technical assistance submitted to the CTCN, Technology Needs Assessments, etc.).
Sources 발간물(국외)
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