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Global Climate Reports

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Title TEC Brief #2 : Possible integration of the TNA process with NAMA and NAP processes
Category Reports(Int)
Why this TEC Brief?

Policymakers in developing countries, and other related stakeholders, have at their disposal various planning tools for developing and implementing policies
and measures for the development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies (ESTs). One of these tools is technology needs assessments (TNAs).

This TEC Brief is aimed at informing policymakers about interlinkages and the possible integration of the TNA process with Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) and National Adaptation Plans (NAP) processes, with a view to making use of robust methodologies, avoiding duplication of efforts of countries in the planning process and enhancing the implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions.

source : UNFCCC (
Sources 발간물(국외)
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