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Title [GGGI] Empowering Students: Final Training Session on Climate Change Adaptation

Nukus, Uzbekistan, May 8, 2024 – The final awareness-raising youth trainings on climate change adaptation (CCA) were held for students of the vocational school of the Karauzyak district and secondary school No. 20 of the Chimbay district, implemented under GGGI’s KOICA-funded ‘Green Rehabilitation Investment Project for Karakalpakstan Republic to address impacts of the Aral Sea crisis’ (Aral Sea GRIP).’ The trainings were developed as a part of capacity–building activities carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Preschool and School Education of the Republic of Karakalpakstan (MoPSE RK).  



Aral Sea GRIP implemented a variety of capacity development and awareness-raising activities on climate change and disaster risk resilience to achieve measurable behavioral change among the population. These activities were meant to reach more than 26,000 people in the project districts, including women and youth. 


The aim of the CCA trainings for youth was to inform students of high schools and vocational schools about climate change and what they can personally do to adapt to it. The classes included theoretical knowledge, demonstrations and practical activities to make them more engaging, fun and useful – all at the same time!  


For instance, the students made a filter from affordable and easily accessible means, such as cotton, plastic bottle and charcoal tablets, to purify the water from heavy metals that could possibly be in the water. The students also prepared a basis for compost made of fruit peels, and all the fruits themselves were enjoyed by the students and the teacher later on! All these practical activities were performed in accordance with GGGI’s CCA training for youth under supervision of the teachers. 


Mr. Jaksymov Mirali, geography teacher at the Chimbay secondary school No. 20, shared how the trainings influenced his students. 


“Such trainings are very necessary, given that we live in a region that has suffered from an environmental disaster. Visuals combined with theory included in the training materials have been very helpful in mastering these topics. Upon receiving the trainings, my students have been actively participating in eco-actions, promoting their ideas to improve the environment, and putting GGGI’s CCA methods into practice such as planting trees in their yard, making DIY water filters and compost. I clearly observe how their attitude towards climate change changed – they feel responsible for their future,“ Mr. Zhaksymov said. 



Ms. Gulzada Karimullaeva, a teacher at the Karauzyak vocational school, revealed that she herself put GGGI’s CCA methods into practice and made biohumus out of compost with the use of earthworms. Now she uses it to fertilize her garden! She proudly brought the humus for the kids to enjoy the demonstration and take a look at the worms up close!  


A number of students expressed a desire to share their thoughts about the training. According to Ms. Erezhepova Umida, a straight-A student at Chimbay secondary school No. 20, the CCA class brought her to new revelations.  


“After today’s training I realized the Aral Sea catastrophe and climate change directly affects me and my loved ones. Luckily, I also learned we can still take action to make change! To adapt to the current conditions, we all need to be more attentive to our environment and form good eco-habits, and I will start with myself. The first thing after school, I want to make a water filter and see the results,” Ms. Erezhepova stated enthusiastically. 


By the end of the trainings, the students shared their future plans, and also proposed organizing a competition among schools on the most successful use of these methods.  


To wrap up, on 23-24 May, GGGI held a debriefing and certification ceremony to celebrate the achievements of the teachers, who have successfully trained 12,000 students from May 2023 – May 2024.  


GGGI extends heartfelt thanks to the teachers for their outstanding work. We are excited to see the children form useful habits and put all their newfound knowledge into practice as a result of GGGI’s CCA training for youth! 



About the Areal Sea GRIP project:  

The desiccation of the Aral Sea basin and its delta have resulted in the loss of agricultural potential, livelihoods and employment and have led to health challenges. These problems are expected to worsen due to the impacts of climate change. To effectively address these issues, GGGI is implementing ‘Green Rehabilitation Investment Project for Karakalpakstan Republic to address impacts of the Aral Sea crisis’ (Aral Sea GRIP)’ for three years (2021 to 2024), financed by KOICA (5.9 Million USD) and supported by the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan (MEEPCC). The project supports communities of the four most disaster-afflicted districts of Karakalpakstan, Bozataw, Chimbay, Karauyzak and Kegeyli, with climate-smart measures to build sustainable livelihoods.  


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