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Title [IEA] Latvia 2024

About this report

Government action plays a pivotal role in ensuring secure and sustainable energy transitions and combatting the climate crisis. Energy policy is critical not just for the energy sector but also for meeting environmental, economic and social goals. Governments need to respond to their country’s specific needs, adapt to regional contexts and help address global challenges. In this context, the International Energy Agency (IEA) conducts Energy Policy Reviews to support governments in developing more impactful energy and climate policies.

This Energy Policy Review was prepared in partnership between the Government of Latvia and the IEA. It draws on the IEA’s extensive knowledge and the inputs of expert peers from IEA member countries to assess Latvia’s most pressing energy sector challenges and provide recommendations on how to address them, backed by international best practices. The report also highlights areas where Latvia’s leadership can serve as an example in promoting secure clean energy transitions. It also promotes the exchange of best practices among countries to foster learning, build consensus and strengthen political will for a sustainable and affordable clean energy future.

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