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[2023.12.08 / United Arab Emirates] Fostering innovation through collaborative climate technology RD&D


08 December 2023 - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm +04


Venue: SE Room 5


The IPCC Climate Change 2023 Synthesis Report asserts that the requisite technology to achieve the ambitious goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is already available. However, the critical gap lies in the establishment of robust national systems of innovation, encompassing policy development, research, development, and deployment (RD&D), technology transfer, capacity building, and financial mechanisms.

Along the same line, the Paris Agreement acknowledges the importance of collaborative RD&D under the Technology Framework. Within the Innovation theme of the Technology Framework, novel collaborative approaches to climate technology RD&D have been explored as a means to foster innovation.

Under the Technology Mechanism, both the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) and the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) recognize the significance of new collaborative approaches to climate technology RD&D. They emphasize the role of collaborative climate technology RD&D in implementing countries' Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and other mitigation and adaptation strategies, disseminating the outcomes and activities of the Technology Mechanism.

At COP28, the Technology Mechanism will host an event focused on stimulating collaborative climate technology RD&D to bridge the gap between the Technology Mechanism and country Parties. The objective is to identify ways to enhance the effective participation of developing country Parties in collaborative climate technology RD&D.

Distinguished speakers, including insights and developments from Mr. Jim Skea, IPCC chair, who will provide the keynote on the vision of the IPCC with regards to the collaborative RD&D. The event will highlight successful international, regional, and national collaborative climate technology RD&D partnerships, showcasing their activities and outputs. Furthermore, it will serve as a catalyst for formulating programs that promote collaborative climate technology RD&D, encompassing both North-South and South-South collaborations.



United Arab Emirates



Agenda on collaborative RDD_COP28_F.pdf (121.16 KB)






Cross-sectoral enabler:

Innovation & RDD

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국외 행사
Category Seminar / Conference(International)
Sources CTCN (Climate Technology Center & Network)
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