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'정책분석' 상세보기
제목 [SEI] Methods for measuring greenhouse gas emissions from sanitation and wastewater management systems
분류 SEI

A review of method features, past applications and facilitating factors for researchers, practitioners and other stakeholders

This report presents an analysis of seven categories of enclosure-based and open methods described previously, and discusses their applicability across different sanitation and wastewater management technologies and geographical contexts. The report’s findings, based on a scoping literature review and interviews with a selection of experts, highlight key methodological gaps and opportunities for innovation.

Published on 8 July 2024



Ddiba, D., Rahmati-Abkenar, M., & Liera, C. (2024). Methods for Measuring Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Sanitation and Wastewater Management Systems: A Review of Method Features, Past Applications and Facilitating Factors for Researchers, Practitioners and Other Stakeholders. SEI Report. Stockholm Environment Institute. https://doi.org/10.51414/sei2024.030





The findings reveal the predominant use of enclosure-based methods, such as static and flow-through flux chambers, which, despite their widespread adoption, are constrained by scale limitations and potential for measurement disturbances. In contrast, emerging methodologies like optical methods and remote sensing offer new avenues for broadscale, high-resolution emissions monitoring but are currently limited by their high cost and technical demands.

With this report, the authors advocate for a holistic approach to greenhouse gas measurement in the sanitation and wastewater sector, emphasizing the need for adaptable methodologies that can be tailored to the varied conditions of sanitation systems worldwide. They call for enhanced collaboration among researchers, policymakers and practitioners to foster methodological advancements and standardization, thereby enabling more effective and widespread empirical data collection. Furthermore, the report underscores the critical importance of increased funding and capacity-building efforts to democratize access to advanced measurement techniques.

출처 SEI
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