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제목 [EU] EU Energy in Figures: statistical data on EU energy sector

Today, the European Commission published the 2024 edition of EU Energy in Figures, an annual statistical pocketbook providing information on the energy sector in the EU. This edition covers data for 2022, and highlights facts such as that the EU continues to make progress in increasing the share of renewable energy in the energy mix, which rose to 25% in 2022 compared to 19% in 2021. 

In order to ensure that the EU stays on track to reach its climate goals and increase energy security, it is vital to have up-to-date data driving decision making. The pocketbook covers official energy data for the EU as a whole and per individual EU country. It provides statistical data on energy topics such as import dependencies, renewables deployment, energy intensity, and more. 

Data in this pocketbook comes from sources including European Commission services, Eurostat, the European Environment Agency, the International Energy Agency, and more. 

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