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제목 [GGGI] Senegal Ministry of Agriculture and GGGI inaugurates solar-powered irrigation scheme to improve food security

Dakar, Sénégal, June 27, 2024 –As part of efforts to achieve food security and strengthen farmers’ resilience to the impact of climate change, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the Government of Senegal have inaugurated the first of 12 solar-powered irrigation units that will be installed in select sites in Pont Gendarme in St. Louis, Senegal.

 The solar irrigation facilities, inaugurated on June 27, 2024, were established as part of the “Solar Irrigation Systems for Climate-Smart Agriculture in the Senegal River Valley,” a three-and half year project funded by the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD).

 Part of the facilities inaugurated include solar-powered irrigation pumps that will operate at 100% solar during the day, with a capacity of 47kw-peak, and have the capacity to irrigate over 330 hectares of land. An estimated 330 farmers will benefit from the irrigation activities, particularly during the dry-hot season.

 “The inauguration of these infrastructures represents a major milestone in the search for sustainable solutions to the challenges faced by local farmers,” Dr. Mabouba Diagne, the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, and Livestock of Senegal said at the ceremony.

Assana Magagi-Alio, GGGI Country Representative in Sénégal, noted: “This project is critical in addressing the linkages between climate change, water, energy and agriculture and demonstrates that we can achieve both sustainability and food security by adopting climate-smart practices. The results of this pilot project will inspire those who may be considering the integration of renewable energy in agriculture. I am confident that our achievements will continue to lead us to success here and everywhere else in the world.”

The “Solar Irrigation Systems for Climate-Smart Agriculture in the Senegal River Valley” is a USD2.9 million project implemented from January 2021-June 2024.  It aims to contribute to reducing poverty and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improving the livelihoods of rice farmers, especially women and youth, through sustainable agricultural production and increased productivity. The project will result in a 50% increase in agricultural yields in the pilot sites, a 10% increase in farmers’ income and a reduction of at least 27060 TCO2e emissions. Over 20 000 green jobs will be created in the short and long term.

 For more information, contact:

GGGI Africa

Jean Pierre Bucyensenge, Senior Regional Associate, Communications & Knowledge Sharing, jean.bucyensenge@gggi.org

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