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제목 Environmental Policy Trends in 2Q 2024



[Major Policy] Reduction of charges for small businesses, strengthened environmental safety management

[Regulatory Improvement] Safety and accident prevention management in chemical substance treatment facilities to be assessed by a single entity

[Industry Support] Government to join forces against global carbon regulation


<저작권자 : ⓒ KOTRA & KOTRA 해외시장뉴스>

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분류 국내 정책동향
Category Policy trends(Korea)
출처 코트라 해외시장뉴스
기후변화 News 이전글
이전글 [환경부] 전기차 보급부터 배터리 순환이용까지 모든 정보 한 곳에… 통합환경정보센터 구축