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Global 기구·기관

기후변화 대응을 위한 국가별 주요 기관 정보를 제공합니다.

Global 기구·기관 상세보기
제목 Climate Change Knowledge Portal
Category CTCN
Country of registration: 
Relation to CTCN: 
Knowledge Partner
Type of organisation: 
Intergovernmental organisation

The CCKP provides a web-based platform to assist in capacity building and knowledge development. The aim of the portal is to help provide development practitioners with a resource to explore, evaluate, synthesize, and learn about climate related vulnerabilities and risks at multiple levels of details. Using climate science research results to inform the decision making process concerning policies or specific measures needed to tackle climate impacts, or even to understand low carbon development processes, is often a difficult, yet crucial, undertaking.

The CCKP contains environmental, disaster risk, and socio-economic datasets, as well as synthesis products, such as the Climate Adaptation Country Profiles, which are built and packaged for specific user-focused functions such as climate change indices for a particular country. The portal also provides intelligent links to other resources and tools.

The CCKP consists of spatially referenced data visualized on a Google Maps interface. Users are able to evaluate climate-related vulnerabilities, risks, and actions for a particular location on the globe by interpreting climate and climate-related data at different levels of details.

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Global 기구·기관 이전글 다음글
이전글 National Rural Support Programme (NRSP)
다음글 Ministry of Finance and Economic Management of the Cook Islands (MFEM Cook Islands)