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Global 기구·기관

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제목 Woods Hole Research Center
Category CTCN
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Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC) is an independent research institute founded in 1985 where scientists investigate the causes and effects of climate change in order to identify and implement opportunities for conservation, restoration and economic development around the world. WHRC collaborates with colleagues from many countries around the world in order to prevent and reverse deforestation and apply remote sensing and other advanced analytical methods to measure progress towards these goals. Staff scientists currently have active programs collaborating with Government agencies, civil authorities, NGOs, universities and research institutions in Africa, Latin America, Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific region, providing technical assistance to partner organizations in developing countries to build capacity to use and interpret results of data, analyses and methods derived from remote sensing technology including a wide variety of satellite-based instruments to contribute to national strategies for climate mitigation, adaptation and REDD+.

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Global 기구·기관 이전글 다음글
이전글 World Agroforestry Centre
다음글 Woods Hole Research Center