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제목 Bahrain
분류 NDA
Category NDA
BAHRAIN BHR ASIA-PACIFIC NATIONAL DESIGNATED AUTHORITY (NDA) / FOCAL POINT for interaction with GCF SUPREME COUNCIL FOR ENVIRONMENT H.E. Dr. Mohamed Mubarak Bin Daina Chief Executive of the Supreme Council for the Environment WORK WORK +973 17386000 FAX +973 17386006 WORK +973 17386661 MOBILE +973 66636333 FAX +973 17386551 ADDRESS P.O. Box 18233, Bahrain Mall Manama, Bahrain GCF TEAM Country Dialogue Specialist & Regional Advisor Diane McFadzien Country Dialogue Specialist Junghwan Kim Regional Advisor
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Global 기구·기관 이전글 다음글
이전글 Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation
다음글 Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Climate Change and Ozone Layer Protection Department