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[기타] Face to Face: Latin America’s Challenges Regarding the German Climate Foreign Policy Strategy


A Round-Table with Civil Society Organisations from Latin America

The German government has recently launched its Climate Foreign Policy Strategy. The overall objective of the document is to implement measures to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement by strengthening bilateral co-operation with countries of the Global South. 

In this context, several questions arise from the Latin American perspective: what are the priorities of Latin American countries regarding environmental and climate change? What are the challenges facing the region in relation to the priorities and objectives established by Germany? How could bilateral co-operation with Germany contribute to sustainable development in the region, and in which thematic areas? What characteristics should bilateral co-operation have that would be beneficial for both parties? 

Our policy brief reflects the results of a round-table with Civil Society Organisations from Latin America, which was convened by Germanwatch in February 2024. The objective of the dialogue was to learn about the visions, interests, questions, criticisms, and concerns of the Latin American Civil Society Organisations. The three thematic areas addressed were: Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases, Adaptation to Climate Change / Loss and Damage, and Extraction of raw materials considered strategic for Germany's energy transition. 


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